Twig Extensions 1.2 released with two new i18n filters
Internationalisation filters in Twig.
Twig Extensions 1.2 was silently released a few days ago.
This version includes 2 new internationalisation filters I have contributed to (based on previous Bertrand Zuchuat work):
- one for localised numbers
- one for localised currencies.
Localised numbers:
{{ product.quantity|localizednumber }}
Localised currencies:
{{ product.price|localizedcurrency('EUR') }}
They both use the standard PHP NumberFormatter
Example: {{ 1435.87|localizednumber }}
will render:
1 435,87
if fr_FR is the current locale1,435.87
if en_US is the current locale.
Find out more about these filters and their options on the updated Twig Intl extension documentation page.